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Facebook Friend List | How to Create Facebook Friend List

Make lists for all your friends on Facebook, organising them in their order of importance. Give shape to your activities online with Facebook friend list. You can categorise your friends viz. close friends, acquaintances etc. Creating Facebook friend list is simple and can be done through these steps below;

Facebook Friend List

How to Create Facebook Friend List

Follow these steps, to create your Facebook Friend List.

  • Scroll down to the left sidebar, to the friends section, on your Facebook homepage
  • Hover over the word friends, and click on the “More” button. Once you do this, your news feed will change, to display the lists you currently have.
  • Click on the “Create List” button, for a new dialog box, to be displayed.
  • Give your list a name, and add members. To add a member, start by entering the name of the person, you wish to add, and Facebook will start listing your friends with that name. Choose the right person, from the list, and start typing the next name. Continue with this, until your list is complete
  • Click the “Create” button. Once you do this, Facebook will instantly switch to a news feed, displaying the updates from just the people in your friend list.
  • With Facebook Friends List, you can now start filtering the things you see as well as arrange your Friends in their order of priority.

Benefits of Facebook Friend List

  • Facebook friends list, acts as a filter to the stories you see in your News Feed.
  • You can post an update which can just be seen by specific people, like your coworkers or friends, who live close to you.
  • You can add, or remove friends from the list at any time, Facebook does not send notifications to people, when they are added to the lists.

Categories of Facebook Friend List

Facebook, offers the following categories of friends list.

  • Close Friends: Close friends, are those friends, you may want to share exclusively with. Facebook, sends you notifications, when these friends post.
  • Acquaintances: Acquaintances, are people you might want to share less of your stuff on Facebook with. These people, can be excluded when you post something, by choosing “Friends except Acquaintances” in the audience selector.
  • Restricted: On this lists, you have people, you’ve added as friends, but don’t just want to share with, like your boss. Once someone, is added to your restricted list, that person can only, see your public content or posts, that you tag them in.
  • As a Facebook user, you can also create a Custom lists, to help you organize friends as you wish.  Here, you have the access to choose, who goes in these lists and what. (If any) privacy restrictions apply. But note, your friends, won’t get notified, when they are added to the custom lists.

How to Access Facebook Friend List

To access Facebook Friend List;

  • Scroll down to Friends, on the left side of your News Feed, to access these lists,
  • Hover over “Friends” and tap “More”.

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