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LinkedIn Strategy | 3 Important LinkedIn Strategies for Startup professionals & Small Businesses

LinkedIn is a popular platform for Business to Business (B2B) professionals. To scale through as a professional you need a good LinkedIn Strategy.

LinkedIn Strategy

One of the challenges small businesses and professionals new to the LinkedIn platform face – Is that how to build their career and scale through their industries on LinkedIn. Considering the huge competition that exists at the top. Such a competitive environment poses fear of startups and young professionals on LinkedIn. Leaving them with constant questions on how they can climb to their own ladder of success and make their vision a reality.

LinkedIn Strategy

This post talks about the three important LinkedIn strategies you need to scale through from the bottom of your industry to the top. As well as achieve your professional or business goal.

#1: Make your Brand Outstanding

Firstly, you need to start with a personal profile and a company page. Your journey to making your brand outstanding on LinkedIn starts by creating a good LinkedIn personal profile and company page.

Your LinkedIn profile and company page help other Professionals to find your business on LinkedIn and as well as on Google search pages. Visit our post on how to create a catchy and professional LinkedIn page to learn more.

Tips you must keep in mind while creating your personal profile and company page:

  • Quickly state your services clearly on your profile and company page
  • Keep your company page professional (no cats and dog images or logos)
  • Be sure your upload a smart & high-quality profile photo that tally with your brand
  • Make sure you add your website URL.
  • Share your physical location
  • Create links to your company page, blog post, and email.

#2: Build a Topical Authority

By now you would’ve created a LinkedIn personal profile and a company page. The next thing to a good LinkedIn Strategy is to choose a topic and build your business around it.

At this stage, you need to start building audience trust by choosing a specific topic that relates to your industry. And create in-depth content that not only wins your audience’s attention. But get them to like and trust your knowledge and skill on what services you offer.

Tips to Building a Great LinkedIn Content:

  • Give your content a touch of professionalism
  • Keep it brief and compelling
  • Makes sure it’s relevant and solve the need of your ideal audience.
  • If you share other people’s content, make sure you add your own view or opinion.
  • Make sure you use the right LinkedIn media medium to post the right content type. I have done justice to that in this post.

Key Note: most times marketers hung their excellent content building on the way. Because at the immediate they are not seeing the result of what they do. Here is the gist, your first assignment isn’t to drive sales garner clients that will start dishing out some dollars for your service.

At this level, it is required that you focus on establishing a topical authority. Get your audience to love what you are doing and build trust. At this stage, you are solving micro problems with your content. So be willing to share your knowledge, at the long run your target audience surely has problems they will be much more willing to pay you to solve for them.

In sum; sharing relevant and valuable content, tips and strategies with your target audience will position you as an expert. As well as create demand for what you offer.

#3: Go for Lead Generation

Good job, you’ve successfully Build a Niche Authority. It’s time to push for lead generation to gain new clients and prospects.

The very first thing to do is to start keywords searching. I call it “LinkedIn Clients hunt”. Go and hunt for new ideal customers or business clients by job titles.

Tips for great LinkedIn Clients Search:

  • Search new client using their job titles (Marketing Manager, Program Director, VP sales, etc.)
  • Look for a potential match in the list of job titles you’ve found
  • Run a profile match to make sure they tally with your search criteria
  • Look for an efficient way to connect with them
  • Check for a mutual connection, a referral. If there is, ask for an introduction. Note 84% of B2B decision-makers start their buying process through referral. But before asking for an introduction, build rapport, give reasons why you need an introduction, don’t expect yes at the immediate.
  • You might as well go for direct contact. Most times you need to take the bold lip and approach your clients directly. But start by looking for a common ground to initiate interaction, you might do well to comment on the person’s content (profile or post).

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