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SMS Organizer | App Download | SMS Backup & Restore | Organize your SMS

SMS organizer is an app developed by Microsoft to help us sort and categorize the different types and amounts of SMS we receive on our mobile device each day.

SMS Organizer

In the world of social media where the likes of Messenger, WeChat, Whatsapp still thrive, we still receive lots of SMS from various categories including promotional SMS, network provider SMS, and even personal SMS.

Overview of SMS Organizer App

The app was developed by Microsoft in India before being released out to other markets. it is designed to work offline and promises to organize and categorize your messages efficiently so you can focus on what’s important.

The app comprises of four(4) sections:


This section helps you organize your inboxes and separates messages into their various sub-categories to make it less messy.

It does this by having 4 sections or folders which are; Personal, transaction, promotion, starred.

This subcategories automatically organizes all the messages in your message folder accordingly.

For example, SMS you receive from people on your contact list would be categorized under the “personal folder”, bulk SMS from network providers or other advertisers would be placed under “promotions folder”, while SMS(es) from your bank would be placed under the “Transaction folder”.

If you have an SMS of high priority and you want it to be easily located, you can “Star” it and it’ll be categorized under the “starred messages” folder.


The app has the feature to allow you to create a custom reminder and also automatically create reminders for you based on your SMS(es).

You can create a custom reminder by tapping on the create reminder button or by opening an SMS you wish to create the reminder from.


This section of the app shows you different offers that were sent to your mobile via SMS.

It also categories offers gotten from the internet and categorize them all in the section for you to view at your own time.


This section helps to organize messages you receive from different payment services and banking applications.

If you have multiple accounts with a different bank, the app helps you organize them all in one place and gives you s detailed summary of what your account entails including your account balance, card transactions, wallet balance, etc.

It also enables you to check the balance in your account, hence reducing stress and keeping all your information in a single place.


you can go ahead and explore the app settings and configure it to your taste.

When using the application for the first time, it would ask you to “make SMS organizer as Default SMS app”. Tap yes to make it your default SMS app so you can have access to all its features.

Let’s explore a few things that can be done in the settings…


SMS Organizer can help you backup your messages so that you do not lose any data even if you switch devices. To backup and restore messages follow the simple steps below:

  1. Open settings, tap on Backup & Restore. For a first-timer, it would ask you to connect your Google Drive account to it.
  2. Click on “Allow”, once allowed, the backup button would now be clickable.
  3. Click on Back up to back up your SMS(es). You can also set the “Auto Backup” feature and set the frequency at which you want your messages to backup either daily, weekly or monthly.
  4. Once the backup has been set, the “Restore” button is then activated. if you accidentally deleted SMS, you can retrieve it by clicking on “Restore”.
  5. If you switch to a new device, install the SMS Organizer app, connect the app to your google drive account and go to “Backup and Restore” and click on “Restore” and all your messages on the previous device would be restored.


Message rules are set to help delete old messages and blocked messages.

By default, the message rule is set to “Never”. Promotional SMS blocked SMS, OTP’s from a bank which is not useful or has expired are automatically deleted by the app.

You can set the auto-delete frequency of such messages in the message rule settings and select the days either 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, or a year.


You can also configure the kind of messages you want to receive notifications from.

By default, SMS Organizer deactivates notifications for promotional SMS as they’re deemed to cause unnecessary disturbance.



we are going to quickly share with you how you can easily download the text message organizer into your mobile devices.

The App works on both Android and iOS devices. Follow the instructions below to download the App:

  1. With your device, visit your mobile App store.
  2. Using the search bar, key in the name of the App.
  3. from the search result, hit on the App to install.
  4. After installation, launch, and start using the App to organize and categorize your messages the way you would want to appear.