Vero Social Media – as the name implies “Vero” meaning “Truth” in Esperanto.
Currently, Vero social media App is viral in some places like the U.S, and the app is rated number one in several App Store with over 3 million downloads.
What Is Vero Social Media App
Vero – True Social is a network sharing social media App launched in 2015 by Ayman Hariri – Co-Founder & CEO, Motaz Nabulsi – Co-Founder and Scott Birnbaum – Co-Founder.
The App promised to cover up the loops that exist within other social media Apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, by offering a better networking experience that goes beyond friend and follow feature on Apps like Facebook and Twitter to creating deeper connections that make people appear natural and more real.
Why Do I have to Choose Vero App over Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
The reason behind the App creation according to Ayman Hariri is first, to solve the frustration with the privacy policies of ad-based social media channels which Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are no exception, where users are made the product and advertisers the customer.
Secondly, Vero Manifesto puts it this way; most social networks reduce everyone to a friend or a follower. This encourages us to only share the parts of our lives we think are the most interesting.
So we decided to create something more authentic.
We created a social network that lets you be yourself.
like we said before Vero promised to make its App users customers, not advertisers.
No algorithm to manipulate how users post is sent in the users feed.
Let’s dive into the Vero features
On the Vero App, you can share photos, text, link, music, movies/TV, books and place/location and people can like, comment on what you share.
These looks or sounds familiar with what you know about other social platforms right, but there is more to that.
The distinguishing factors;
- No Ads
- No Algorithms (Post rearrangement and limit to who views it)
- No data mining (For advertising purposes)
- No Chronological feed (Post display in order of time from old to latest post)
- Posts are displayed on feeds the way it’s shared by the user and when it’s shared (No Curated Post)
- No payment for Post Boost or payment to reach your audience, everything is free.
You might be wondering how true it is that everything is free!! Isn’t Vero tricking people just to get millions of members and then bounce back to monetizing user’s information for advertising?
Here is Vero’s business model as regard user’s information:
Unlike most of our competitors, Vero’s business model isn’t based on serving advertisements. As a subscription-based service, our users are our customers, not the product we sell to advertisers.
Our subscription model will allow us to keep Vero advertising-free, and to focus solely on delivering the best social experience instead of trying to find new ways to monetize our users’ behavior or tricking them back into the app with notifications.
Other social media platforms like Facebook make billions of dollars annually by monetizing their user’s information to advertisers.
To irritate what Ayman Hariri have said in other words, you are not in the customer base of Facebook, you are just a mere product to be sold.
Vero also promised to make their app free for the first one million registered users for life.
User Connection in Vero App
Vero has four stage connection which makes it a bit competitive to other social media platforms unlike the limited connection to just friends and followers.
- Followers
- Acquaintances
- Friends
- Close friends
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Pinterest