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Catholic Church Near Me

 According to Catholics, they believe that catholic is the only true church founded by Christ himself. Also, that the bishops are the successors to Christ’s original apostle. Hence, they will always prefer to find the nearest Catholic Church to join their faith. Besides, this church began up to 2000 years back. Moreover, they center on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Guess what? You can join the Catholic Church if you want to learn more teachings about Christ. All you will have to do is to Search “Catholic Church Near Me”.

Catholic Church Near MeHowever, Catholic Church has an average population of 1.2 billion Catholics in the world. Of course, you won’t doubt this since the whole of Vatican has 100% catholic. So, could that mean that there are lots of catholic churches next to us? Let’s find out…

Catholic Church Near Me – Search on Google Map

There is only one way to access locations on the internet today. Thus, using the google map will help us do that. To get started, you should enable your internet connection and your location settings as well.

  • Open your browser to get started or click on the + button on your browser to open a new tab since you are already on the web.
  • When you have done that, log onto Here comes the world located in a fold.
  • Now, find the search menu at the top left side of the page. Then, enter the keyword to search for the nearest Catholic Church faster. Hit the search button when you have done that.
  • Here is the list of Catholic Church near Me, just beneath the search menu. Otherwise, you can look out for it on the map where it’s indicated with the red location icon.
  • So, Scroll through it to find the nearest location.

Vatican City Cathedral

Here is the largest catholic cathedral and it’s the headquarters of Catholics. Thus, it is called Saint Peter’s Basilica, in Vatican City. The size is massive as it is approximately 5 million cubic meters. Thus, it is the same size as 2000 Olympic-sized pools.

However, there are other catholic churches that you can find around you. So, what you do is to search for Catholic Church near me on the map as stated above and you have it.

Today, there are about 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, and guess what? Thus, it could mean that 16-17% of the world’s total population is Catholics. In other words, Catholic Church is the largest of the Christian faith.

Today, they are the largest charitable organization in the U.S, Guess what is involved in the charity platform? Thus, Hospital treatment which is offered to about 80 million peoples a year.

Note: In case you have ever imagined having a female as a pope, this is not possible. In fact, before you come up as pope, you must first be ordained, Priest. And, females have not ordained priests.  So, take the Secular humanism out of it.