What is the mean symbol in a Word document?
The mean is the average of a set of data. In statistics using Microsoft Word, you’ll learn how to create the mean symbol. This is the symbol x̄. Certain people call it the x-bar. This math symbol is very important, and you need to learn how to create it.
Do you often want to get the mean symbol in your Word document but don’t know how? In this article, you will learn how to get the mean symbol in your Word document. It is quite easy to learn. Just read through to the end.
Mean Symbol with Alt Codes
Moreover, a lot of people use Alt codes to get the sample mean symbol into their Word document. But this only works for people whose keyboards have a number pad in addition to the row above the letters. To do this, make sure the “Num Lock” key is activated. This will help you to use the numbers on the pad. Enter the letter “x,” hold the Alt key, and type “0772” into the number pad. It will automatically add the bar symbol to the x. The code “0773” creates a longer bar.
Mean Symbol in Word: Equations
Do you know the “Equations” tool in Word? Actually, all versions from 2007 onward have it. With it, creating the symbol for average in a document is very easy. To do this, proceed to the “Insert” tab and find the group “Symbols.” Go ahead and click on the drop-down arrow beneath “Equation” and click on “Insert New Equation.” Open the “Equation Tools” tab by holding the “Alt” key and clicking “Enter.”
Further, at the right of the row of options, click “Accent.” The next option will take you to the “bar” symbol. Click the symbol and a box with a bar over it will pop out. Enter “x” in the box to create the mean symbol. Normally, the x-bar symbol is widely used for a sample mean. However, you can use it to create a y-bar symbol or add the bar to any other symbol. It is very easy.
Are there other statistical symbols in words?
We can say yes. This is because the “Equations” and “Symbols” feature under the “Insert” tab permits you to add many math symbols used in statistics. Such symbols include a symbol for the population mean and the symbol for the population standard deviation, σ. Feel free to add these to an equation.
I hope you already know how to get the mean symbol in a Word document. If you have questions, keep them in the comments section.
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