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Internet Education: Free Internet Education Platforms | Study Online Programs

Studying online through free internet education platforms still sounds awkward to many today, though because there a lot of scam platforms out there looking for people to rob off their hard-earned money. Also, the fact that many other platforms have no accreditation and certificate issued to students isn’t recognized by many employers and academia.

Internet Education

However, is no question that there are still reputable and accredited online study platforms out there that will help you achieve your goal of gaining a university degree of your choice. Over 13 million people enroll in internet education yearly and over 500,000 international students enroll in colleges and institutions in the UK.

Online education is the popular means of formal education in simple, easy and at no cost.

What is internet Education?

Internet education in other words online studying or web courses is with numerous benefits and attractive incentives for students looking for ways to gain formal education on the go. Here is the way to web education – with internet education you can access or study a course of your choice anywhere anytime. It’s as simple as this – locate a reputable online study platform, make the choice of course of study, apply and commit to meeting up with the required grade pass and get certified at the end of your period of study.

Best Free Online Education Platforms

Let me bring to your notice that a good number of the best universities in the world offer quality internet education to prospective students around the globe, specifically to the less fortunate. Just like learning has to be standardized and qualitative you will need to locate a platform that best offers the course you would want to be enrolled.

That you surf the internet randomly can’t be called internet education, though looks like it. But internet education needs to be offered by accredited and reputable online platforms with organized and systemized outline courses or subjects to study in a set period of time. Though sometimes you are given the opportunity to study at your own pace.

Do you want to tour a new career path, horn your skill-set, develop your mind and obtain relevant knowledge in your field and would not want to go looking for local colleges and university that might work against your daily lifestyle, internet education is for you but you will need passion, commitment and discipline to follow throughout your course completion. Because many online platforms only offer certification at course completion.

Here is a list of online education platforms, all of the below listed online study platforms have existed over the years, had garnered high rating and are popular and certification recognized around the world.

  1. Linkedin Learning.
  2. Coursera.
  3. Khan Academy.
  4. Udemy.
  5. Academic earth.
  6. edX.
  7. Alison
  8. Tufts open courseware.
  9. Umass Boston opens courseware.
  10. Launch school.
  11. Pluralsight
  12. Treehouse.

In sum

No education can be compared to education by choice, convenience, and pressure-free. Start internet education today and upgrade your portfolio.