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Google Ranking | 4 Forgotten Tactics to Get Ranked High on Google FAST

In this post, I will share 4 forgotten or less practice Google ranking factors. A lot of people are talking about backlinks, domain authority and the likes.

Google Ranking

Tactic #1: Build more internal links

Build more internal links to your posts and the most important in-depth pages. Also, link to your important pages within your sidebar or footer. The emphasis is to make sure the links are visible. so you don’t get penalized by Google. Don’t hide links to your sidebar or footer else, in the long run, it will hurt you. This makes you appear playing to Google ranking factor.

Rules to Internal Linking

There are two known rules to follow if you want to boost your Google ranking leveraging internal links:

Rule #1: Add links within your content (make sure the links are relevant to your content)

Rule #2: Link to your most important pages It’s that simple (create a long, thorough but valued content and link other pages to it) it’s called LINK TREE.

Note: I don’t guarantee a super quick ranking just because you added more internal links. You need to give it time. Like 4 to 6 months.

Tactic #2: Build a Niche authority

One shocking news is – Google is after users’ experience satisfaction.

Google has an update called Hummingbird, and with Hummingbird, websites that have written content on everything won’t do and sites that focus on one niche and are super thorough.

So choose a specific niche and build your authority by producing thorough and in-depth content.

Tactic #3: Optimize your title tag and Meta Description

People often think that the title tag and Meta description only help with users’ click-through-rate. Yes, your title tag and Meta description determines if someone will click on your blog post or not.

And you need to optimize your title tag and your Meta description and make sure people can easily know what the post is all about just reading your title and your Meta description. Because if it doesn’t flow in a sentence, it’s difficult to read, and it’s not appealing or evoking curiosity, no one will click through.

But there is more…

The more is that Google uses click-through-rate to know the best content users like. So if people often click on your content. Google assumes it’s really what users are looking for and they will up rank you.

Last, include the primary keyword in the title and in Meta description, but make natural and appealing.

Tactic #4: Leverage Google Search Console Tool

Few know that Google gives a tool that teaches how to rank number one on their search engine?

I guess many ignore it because the tool is free and less sophisticated. If you are not using the tool, sign up now. Go to your Search Analytics interface. It will display pages/keywords you rank for already in Google.

Here is why I recommend a Google console

Google Search Console shows you which blog post you are getting impressions. Take all the keywords you’re getting impressions and add them to your post.

A case study

The Experiment:

Neil had a blog post on Instagram, and it teaches how to get over 300 targeted Instagram followers per day. The article is around 10,000 words. But when he first published, it was roughly 2,500 words.

He logged in to Google Search Console, and saw all the people that are searching for terms related to the article, he added them within that article. Making it more thoroughly.

The Result:

Neil’s traffic to that blog post tripled. Though the results weren’t instantaneous it took about 50 days. To see results. But that is not a long period anyway.

Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Pinterest