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Headline Writing | How to Create a Must-Click Headlines (Why Formulas Sucks)

One of the ingredients of blog posts or copy with a high click-through-rate is a compelling headline. Headline writing is an ACT, not a Formula.

According to Copy blogger, 80% of people that visit your webpage will read your headline – but only 20% will finish the post.

That is to say, a powerful headline isn’t just something you wish you could create. It’s vital. (as important as the whole copy or post itself).

Headline Writing

I know you’ve learned a lot of headline formulas.

But the gist is…

The truth no one has told you is that writing a powerful headline that would make users bypass other blog post or copy and click on yours is an “ACT”, not a formula.

Headline Writing | How to Create a Must-Click Headlines (Why Formulas Sucks)

Though there are times you need to apply what is already working in your industry.

But doing that won’t make you stand out. You need to either create your unique formula, tactics, and techniques.

Arguably a compelling and eye captivating headline is your entry into your reader and target customer’s mind.

Why Do I need to write a Compelling Headline?

The reason for writing a captivating headline is to get enough clicks from people, to land a better ROI.

The best way to gain and keep customers is by engaging them with great content. And, great content starts with a headline that captures your reader’s attention.

You need to convince your customers that your post or copy is worth reading. One of the convincing “first-factor” customers come across is your headline.

Let’s quickly delve into what this post is all about – which is how to create/write a must-click blog post or copy headlines that potential customers or readers can’t resist.

But before then…..

Let’s take it to step by step:

5 Rules to Headline Writing

Remember, rules are created out of an experience of what is already working and what is not.

So before I get you into a new path, let’s first go with what is already known.

Rule #1: Use Hyphen or colon in your headline – Studies have shown that including a hyphen or colon in the headline increased the click-through rate by 9%.

Rule #2: Keep your headline relevant with your post –you’re your hardline be a total reflection of your post. Don’t lure people with a good headline and write a different thing on your copy. (Headlines fail when they don’t match your copy or aren’t relevant to a specific blog topic).

Rule #3: Keep your Headline Character at a maximum of 62 Characters – when the length of your headline exceeds 62 characters, search engines ignore the remaining.

Rule #4: Use numbers and data – Studies have shown that headlines with numbers generate 73% more social shares and engagement.

Integrating numbers (but not just numbers but “ODD’ numbers and data) into your headline makes it more enticing and compelling to readers.

Example; “5 Steps to Start a Blog that generates 1,000 visitors monthly in 31-days”.

Rule #5: Give Readers a compelling reason to click on your post – you can give people reasons by enticing them with clear action words like; Tips, Reasons, Lessons, Case study, Research, Tricks, Ideas, Ways, Principles, techniques, tactics, Facts, Secrets, Strategies.

Let me show you real examples:

How to Create a Must-Click Headlines

A compelling headline isn’t created with formula but with your audience search intent in mind. Most times you need to be creative. In some cases, you might just need to tweak what is working.

#1: Grab Reader’s Attention

Hey! Whether you know it or not, the purpose of the headline is to get your viewer to read the first sentence. Every headline should call for attention.

Remember, a lot are vying the attention of your potential reader. But at the end – it’s the most attention grabber that wins.

3 ways to grab your reader’s attention

  1. Write what others have not written before (Be unique)
  2. Straight to the point( Be specific and be vague or try to sound so eloquent with ambiguous words)
  3. Drive viewers crazy (spark a sense of urgency, make people want to see what it is your content is all about).