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iCloud Mail For Android – About iCloud Mail On Android | Create a Password for iCloud Account Used On Android Phones

iCloud Mail For Android

iCloud provides a storage service for iOS and Windows devices. It enables users to store data such as documents, photos, and music on remote servers for download to their devices. Data can be shared or sent to other users with iCloud. In the case of lost or stolen devices, data stored on iCloud can be retrieved.

iCloud Mail For Android

iCloud can be set up on Android devices too. So, if you were using iOS or Windows and switched to Android, you don’t have to worry. This article will go all the way to teach you how to set up an iCloud email address on your Android device.

iCloud Mail for Android  – iCloud on Android Phone

Before you will be able to make use of iCloud on your Android device, you must have been using it on iOS or Windows devices. This means that you already have an iCloud account with iOS or Windows device, then switched to Android device and want to set up iCloud on your Android device. When you switch from iOS or Windows device to Android, it is called “iCloud Mail for Android”.

What is iCloud Mail?

iCloud is a platform that provides storage services to iOS or Windows devices. It is designed by Apple to aid users manage their mailing activities, calendars, and contacts. Email received and saved on iCloud can be accessed on all devices provided you log into the account.

How to Setup an iCloud email on Android – Open you iCloud Mail Account on Android Devices

To set up an iCloud email on the Android device, you first create a password for your iCloud email address. Then add the account to your Android.

Create Password – How to Create a Password for iCloud Account on Android

Follow the instruction below to set up a password peculiar to your iCloud account.

  • Open your device browser
  • On the address bar of the browser, type “”.
  • On the homepage that opens, click on “sign-in”
  • Fill out your Apple ID.
  • Click on “generate password” under the security platform.
  • Type in what you want to use as your password.
  • Click on “create” to create your iCloud password.
  • Save up the password somewhere as it will be required from you often.

iCloud On Android – How to add your iCloud email to your Android Phone – iCloud Email Login on Android

After creating the password for your iCloud, the following steps will help you launch iCloud on your Android. More like iCloud mail settings on Android;

  • Go to your device settings.
  • Click on it.
  • From the pop-up menu, click on “accounts”.
  • Click on “Add account”.
  • Click on personal “IMAP” which has the Gmail logo next to it.
  • Fill out your iCloud email address and click on “next”
  • You will be required to fill out the password you created for your iCloud mail and click on “next”
  • The iCloud account will appear in your list of accounts then, you can enjoy all the benefits of iCloud inside the Gmail app.

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