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Press Release | How to Write a Compelling Press Release for an Event

Press Release

Simply put a press release or news release otherwise called event announcement is the information supplied to a reporter or journalist.

A press release is a brief compelling and captivating news story written by a public relations professional printed and published for the targeted audience or readers. the primary aim of a press release is to catch the interest of a journalist or publication. In a nutshell, a press release otherwise called news release should contain all the vital information needed for the journalist to easily write his own story. Information like who, what, when, where, how, and why are the most essential part of the news release

This post will simply show you the elements of a good press announcement for an event.

Social media, text messages and emails have made it so cold to be able to produce excitement through a press release. The question is what points or elements is going to make a good notice or bulletin release that can captivate and excite people.

Press Release

I know by now a lot of question must have been going on your head about;

Oh, gush how on earth do I generate excitement?

What are the elements I should include or exclude while writing my press release?

How much information is enough for consumption and how much is too little for my audience?

Should I send out a traditional media release, or an online or both?

Answering these questions should give you a good strategy on how to write a press release for an event that people can’t stop reading with a caption that signals to people that your press release is unique and something not to be ignored.

How do you write a press release?

The 7 Non-negligent elements of a good media release

Quickly I am going to show you 7 things you shouldn’t ignore but give attention to while crafting out a good press that excite.

Element #1: Headline/Title

Your first chance to getting your readers captivated is through a catchy headline. A catchy headline a bet and as well an attention grabber. And the use of a specific keyword in your headline should be a reflection of what people are looking for (especially if you’re are publishing for online readers, a sought out keyword makes you discoverable. Want to know more about keyword read our post on building an online presence) or what they would want to read

Best practices in your headline would be to include the name of the event and either the location or theme of the event. You won’t want to give too many details upfront.  So they can be compelled to read on. For online release know that Google search engine will index 60 characters and Yahoo, 120 characters. You can as well use “Title Caseto appear resounding and stylish.

Element #2: Introduction/Lead paragraph

Your introduction or lead paragraph can range from 25 to 40 words and answer the what, why, questions of your event. Keep the text simple, clear and straight to the point most importantly stick to the primary elements of the information.

Element #3: Date (schedule)

The element of date can range from 20 to 45 words and answer the “who, when, where and how” questions of your event. You might go with this popular format: City, State, (publishers name e.g. TagHub), Month, Day, Year and other relevant details.

Element #4: The body

Get to tell the story of the event in this section. Most times its usually two or three paragraphs. Use the first paragraph to enunciate on the details of the event.

Outline your target audience, highly recognized guests who will be featured and their background if any, and finally lure your audience with the benefits of attending.

If there are special things unique about the season of the event don’t forget the say it in this section. Be descriptive and detailed but don’t bore your readers with much information. Keep it attractive and compelling from paragraph to paragraph.

Element #5: Craft your boilerplate

What an “About page” is to a website is what your boilerplate is. Your boilerplate is where the details about your company are articulated; the name of your company, the services you render, the names of your teams, along with the mission and vision of your company. This is what you want the public to know about your company.

Element #6: Contact information

At this stage, you can list all the medium by which your company can be contacted like telephone number, address, and website, the name of the key person to contact about the release, and an email address, more so you can add social channels.

Element #7: Summary

Finally, craft out the concluding part of your release of about one to four sentences. We do recommend a summary should be the last thing to write after you have written the rest of the press release. It will be easier to summarize after you have the rest of your points down.

Over To You

We have just given you the seven elements of a good press release for an event, apply and share.

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